Saturday, May 12, 2012

Honing: Just Another Hunger Games

Yep-that pretty much summarizes this whole post.

Well, that's the start of it. When you start getting older, you realize that free time continues to shrink, while your lists of things-to-do, things-you-want-to-do, and things-you-dream-of-doing continue to get longer and longer. The above image is evidence-one that happened about an hour after I created the account.

There are so many incredible things that can happen or that can be done in this world, and sometimes it can be so hard to choose which ones to choose and which ones to leave. The college atmosphere is when I started realizing this the most. Before this, I always stayed in my circle, and never really looked at anything. However, in college, all the options are open to you, and when you really look at all the options in front of you, it becomes hard to actually make that choice.

Let the Games begin. You have thousands of opportunities before you. Until you got here, you only really lived your life in the District, never really thinking about the future. But look at you now-with all these choices before you, you could go back to your District as the hero-your life would change immensely. But be careful, the choices may be many, but they are far from easy to make.

You. Think of all the talents you have now. Think of all the wonderful things that you've done in your life. Think of the great person you are. It's all great, isn't it? Yeah, it is. I agree with you. But at the same time, think of all the talents you don't have, think of all the things you haven't done, and the person you could be but probably never will be. Do you see the difference? The path in front of you is enormous-you could be anything-but whatever you do choose will narrow the path significantly. Don't believe me? Look behind you. The path is pretty small, isn't it? That's because when you chose do do, have, or be something, you gave up about a thousand other things.

Be aware of your talents-but beware of how you use them. Each choice you make can either lead you one step closer to your victory or one step closer to your death. You can run to the Cornucopia and grab all the supplies your heart desires, but the moment you do, it could land you right in front of  District Two's ax-wielding tribute. You would end there. You could run back to the trees behind you, but that you just get you caught in the next firestorm the Gamemakers decide to create. You would end there. So grab all the options that are in front of you-but be careful. Each step leads you closer-but you decide to what you are getting closer.

Some people are blessed with incredible talents, and it breaks my heart to see people give them up because they may not be as obvious or as presentable as others that people have. Honing talents may decrease the number of talents that one can learn, but at the same time, I find the people that dedicate their time to a small number of talents much more valuable than the person who spent so much time "sweeping the board" that none of their talents are really developed. So, to all those out there, recognize the great talents you have, and don't let them pass you by. Develop yourself to be special, stronger, better.

Realize that the talents you choose during training are those that will most help or hurt you during the Games. It can be tempting to grab a little bit of everything, but those that win are the ones that focus deeply on their specialized talents and make them the biggest factor in the Games. Don't let anyone tell you that your talents may not matter - just because you may not be able to wield an axe or shoot straight doesn't mean that your others skills aren't valuable...the most important thing is to remember to train those skills that will keep you alive.

The best part about what I believe is that there is an afterlife, and eternity. I believe here we will be able to have all the time we want to develop the skills we never had an opportunity to develop in this life. I believe there is a God that wants us to return to Him in the afterlife, and that in this life, He will want us to be the best people we can be, as will we. In my personal opinion, I believe this will allow us not only to further hone all the skills we have here, it will allow us time to develop the skills we always have wanted to (and may have the ability to), but never had the time to here on earth. Mind you, this is just an opinion, and it may be wishful thinking, but I believe that we will have all the time we want-and instead of just honing, we will truly be able to develop every skill possible. So remember...

May the odds be ever in your favor.

But if they aren't, God will be.

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