Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dark of the Moon

Whenever I watch a really good play, one that gets me thinking, I always feel like writing. Now that I have a blog (by the way, I have a blog now!), I can post this out to the world for no other reason other than that I want to. Hooray! So I actually wrote this immediately after seeing this play "Dark of the Moon", yesterday, but I'm posting it now. Sidenote: If you want to know the plot of Dark of the Moon, it's basically a witch boy who turns into a human because he loves a human girl, you can probably find it on the internet if you want to know more. Anyway, here is my first blog post. Celebrate!!!

'I am human, but often consider myself deeper than such. Human nature dictates that all people have deeper feelings within them than they usually show to people, but the problem I've often noticed is that too many people are scared of revealing this. The undiscussed and "taboo" subjects are the ones that people are noticeably uncomfortable talking abou, but so many people don't realize the inexplicable sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that talking about these topics bring. God, love, sex, magic, the devil, eternity, problems, true feelings, these are the kind of things that people don't enjoy talking about. However, once someone gets past these feelings and bears their sould, it is impossible to describe. I have seen souls connect, not just minds, but souls. And fortunately for me, I have experienced this as well. Covering this subject is like describing the Spirit of God or telling people what salt tastes like-there are not words enough to describe those feelings. I suppose my plea to you here is simply to open yourself up more. Do not, by any means, take this the wrong way. This doesn't mean to go and tell someone about all you problems or immediately pour you soul out to just anyone. Find someone you consider a very close friend and start talking about something you are a little bit awkward towards, something out of your comfort zone, say, the afterlife. You'll notice the feeling it brings after you get over how unusual it is, and hopefully you will spread this unknown news to as many people as you can.'


Andrew said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I linked to your blog from mine, so that should give you at least a whopping 2 more readers :P

Michael said...

Thank you! exactly do you link blogs to one another...(if you can't tell, I'm new to this...I might also add that I am technologically impaired...)?

Andrew said...

I don't really remember. It's something like you hit a "customize" link or something from your blogger dashboard, or from your front page when you log in or something, and there's a thingy... I don't remember. I'll try to remember one of these days. Try googling it lol

Megan said...

Michael! Aw, man, you got me really excited. When I saw Dark of the Moon, and you mentioned a play, I thought you were talking about the Bleach Musical "Dark of the Bleeding Moon". *sigh* ah, well. have fun blogging!
