Monday, October 13, 2008

Three Over, Four Down/"Run!"

I've decided to adapt Hallmark's motto to my blog: only the best. Now that we're off of that random tangent, you get to hear my rambling of the day. [ Inspired by "Heroes" ] By the way, I'm only almost done watching the first season, so don't think I'm completely up-to-date with the newest episode. My roomates had the first season. I started watching last Wednesday...and I'm shamelessly addicted. Anyway, without further ado...

Is it possible for someone to believe in something or to be morally twisted around so completely that they would totally abandon the life they had before or the values they used to embrace? Where we live (or at least, I and the vast majority of these readers live, I assume) here in Utah, it makes us seem invunerable. Most people here declare they will stick to their values and never forsake them, but is it true? Are there situations people are placed in where-try as they might-they would end up losing what they consider their truest virture? I argue yes. Every person, no matter how strong or seemingly invicible, has faults, and once someone finds out what "makes them tick", they have complete access to the controlboard of their mind. When someone is so convinced they are following something right, nothing can-or will-stand in their way. People can be hurt, relationships can be damaged, and innocent victims can even be killed. The person's entire life can become flip-flopped, and they are still convinced they are in the right. So many spew the typical "It won't happen to me!" argument, and it is almost cynically amusing how childishly they believe it. It won't happen to me, you say. Oh, really? Let's just lay your personal Hydra in front of you and see how you manage. People may hold up for some time, but as soon as you find their proverbial "Achilles heel", immediately they are as crippled and crumbled as the Colosseum. Their submission is abrupt and thorough. Think about it, as much as you wish not to. You do know a person this has or will happen to-everyone does. The only difference between these circumstances is how it happens and the intensity of this so called "disease". The only thing we as flawed individuals can do is hope-hope and pray that we are not chosen-chosen to be the next victim, the next sacrifice on the altar, the next slave to our "morals".


Andrew said...

Interesting thing to think about. I honestly don't know if I would stick to what I believe now - then again, it probably won't happen to me :P

Michael said...

Well, in all honesty, I wasn't trying to get you to discard your values, by all means, keep them (unless they're bad), it was just something that occured to me, so I felt the need to write it down.