Friday, April 17, 2009

Back In Business

So...for the longest time (even though it really isn't, it just seems like it) I have had writer's block. I have tried every imaginable thing to get rid of it (mostly). However, it's finally gone! Hooray. I don't know exactly what it was, perhaps a combination of things. The only things that I can think of are 1) Possibly reading Chris's spill and getting inspiration from that, 2) Writing music 3) The Film Appreciation Club's Top Twenty-Five Movie Night, and/or 4) The length of time without writing (maybe I just needed a break). Anyway, I made a groundbreaking discovery about my story-mmm, good. So perhaps if we get lucky and Dressman actually is diligent in doing what he should, you readers may finally get the Prologue of "Spiders of Salem".


Mister Tee said...

I officially hate you. Again.

Michael said...

What? Why?