Thursday, March 26, 2009


So here's the deal. I've been reading this new series that one of my good friends has been pestering me for a good while to read. I'm really enjoying it (having already reached the halfway point in book five), and have just now decided that the author has a lot more insight than I previously thought, even if he does seem to write at a seventh-grade reading level. I would strongly encourage reading the series, especially to those who enjoy sci-fi/fantasy. It's called "Pendragon", and it's by author D.J. MacHale.Anyhow, the story revolves around the main character, a fifteen-year old boy, Bobby Pendragon. I won't go into too much detail, but he's the protagonist, and the antagonist is an evil "man", for lack of a better word, named Saint Dane. The main plot of the series is that Bobby is trying to save a bunch of different territories from falling into chaos, as Saint Dane would have happen. There are events and conditions that occur that can alone determine the outcome of the territory. They are referred to as "turning points".

Be aware this post isn't completely about the book. It's good, but in my English 2010 class today, I kind of subconsiously applied it to my life. By the by, I thouroughly enjoy my English class. The professor challenges the way I write in a way no one has before, as well as bringing things to my attention I had never before thought of.
Right now we're working on writing proposal papers. These consist of finding a problem, the possible causes behind it, and recommending a solution.We're pretty early along in the process, so as of now we've just been finding problems. Personally, I'm planning on writing about the problem that most of our generation has right now of being so poorly informed, even though this generation has the most accessible information yet. As we were discussing all the different proposal ideas that the students had in class, I had an epiphany, if you will, relating to Pendragon. I think we as America, are reaching our turning point, and from the looks of it, we're not doing so hot. I get the feeling that America is turning in the wrong direction.

Anyway, I'll end this post with a semi-condradictive sentence. I decided I'm really worried about the direction that America is heading, and I'm really excited to write my proposal paper!

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