Thursday, March 26, 2009


So here's the deal. I've been reading this new series that one of my good friends has been pestering me for a good while to read. I'm really enjoying it (having already reached the halfway point in book five), and have just now decided that the author has a lot more insight than I previously thought, even if he does seem to write at a seventh-grade reading level. I would strongly encourage reading the series, especially to those who enjoy sci-fi/fantasy. It's called "Pendragon", and it's by author D.J. MacHale.Anyhow, the story revolves around the main character, a fifteen-year old boy, Bobby Pendragon. I won't go into too much detail, but he's the protagonist, and the antagonist is an evil "man", for lack of a better word, named Saint Dane. The main plot of the series is that Bobby is trying to save a bunch of different territories from falling into chaos, as Saint Dane would have happen. There are events and conditions that occur that can alone determine the outcome of the territory. They are referred to as "turning points".

Be aware this post isn't completely about the book. It's good, but in my English 2010 class today, I kind of subconsiously applied it to my life. By the by, I thouroughly enjoy my English class. The professor challenges the way I write in a way no one has before, as well as bringing things to my attention I had never before thought of.
Right now we're working on writing proposal papers. These consist of finding a problem, the possible causes behind it, and recommending a solution.We're pretty early along in the process, so as of now we've just been finding problems. Personally, I'm planning on writing about the problem that most of our generation has right now of being so poorly informed, even though this generation has the most accessible information yet. As we were discussing all the different proposal ideas that the students had in class, I had an epiphany, if you will, relating to Pendragon. I think we as America, are reaching our turning point, and from the looks of it, we're not doing so hot. I get the feeling that America is turning in the wrong direction.

Anyway, I'll end this post with a semi-condradictive sentence. I decided I'm really worried about the direction that America is heading, and I'm really excited to write my proposal paper!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yeah, I know...this is very odd. But I'm trying to become more of a real person now on blog. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, I'm thinking that I'd really like to dye my hair sometime...not necessarily soon, just sometime. The only problem is, I don't know what color I'd dye it. Black and brown are out, because brown is my hair color and black is close enough it wouldn't make a difference.

I know I want it to be a color that would stand out enough that people would be able to tell. For some reason, blond really stands out to me as a good color for that, however, I'm not sure how I feel about bleaching my hair-or how it would look. Basically, I'm asking for your opinion. Would I look good as a blond?...if not, what other color would you recommend? Plus also, any tips or hints would also be appreciated.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Okay, I love my parents. I really do, with all my heart. There are things I credit completely to my parents, things I would never have without them-life, for one, but food, a good upraising (probably wrong tense or word), and my religion. But it frustrates me so much when they just simply seem to have their own agenda and aren't willing to listen or consider mine. Is this selfish of me? Maybe...okay, probably yes-a lot. But oh, well. I've already started, so now I'm finishing. I come home from college on my Spring Break, hoping for a week of relaxation, and getting to do just what I want to do, not what needs to be done (Again, I'm aware that this is pretty selfish...but I'm allowed that every once in a while, aren't I?), so I wasn't exactly thrilled when my parents told me they were leaving to St. George and I get to babysit the younger siblings (oh, how endearing). But I'm pretty easygoing, so that didn't really bother me that much-what irked me was the plan that I had to visit the high school every day for lunch. PAUSE. I know what you're thinking. "That's so lame, visiting the high school, on your break nonetheless!?" Yeah, I'm well aware. I'm not visiting the high school for the school. I'm visiting it for the friends there. Anyway, Monday I find out there is no school, but whatever-I still have four school days. Tuesday and Wednesday go without trouble...only let's just say there was a certain...presence that was missing (a presence I had particularly hoped to see). "Oh, well," I think, "I still have all of Thursday and Friday." But no...
All of a sudden, my youngest sister decides to get sick with a fever, and of course I have to take care of her because my parents are gone and I conveniently am at home with "nothing" to do. Hence, I end up with the luck (ha! luck, my foot) of taking care of her while my parents are in St. George. Still, though, I wasn't that bugged, until I found out I could have no shindig-esque thing at my house. Don't get me wrong, I understand that it's a stretch for my parents to allow me to do it when I'm the oldest kid home, but for a college student that's hoping to have a break, but then to have to 1) babysit his sister for two days instead of going to school, 2) babysit his other siblings over the weekend (even if he is getting paid for it), and 3) not even see the person he's most looking forward to seeing. Although this is redundant, I'm well aware this is considerable selfish of me. I can't expect things to always go exactly the way I want them to, but at least give me a little leeway.

I'm not really sure to what end this post was headed to...maybe it wasn't. It may have been (quite possibly) just a rant-not on my parents, just on life. I've realized this now. I'm a hopeless romantic. I'll just have to get over that. And as a line is quoted from one of the deleted scenes in "Enchanted" (one of the many movies I watched multiple times with my sister), I may be just a "hopeless romantic trying to get by in a world where romance is hopeless." Oh, well. I'll just plod on. :D *Ultra-cheesy sarcastic smile*

P.S. The "endearing" part was sarcastic. I really wanted to add that in because the word endearing struck me and wouldn't stop screaming until I put in in here.

Plus also, hooray! I think I finally wrote a post that wasn't actually intended to be deep. Look, readers! I'm human!