Monday, November 17, 2008


So let me just put it this way. Ever since my last post, I have been...deterred from writing more. I feel like everyone reading these (if there are any) wants to be the kid that always has these incredible insights about life with really descriptive and intelligent sounding words. I, on the other hand, do enjoy that, but I also like to show the different sides of myself, and that is definitely not the only side of me that I have. Anyway, that was what this post is halfway about. Also, I remembered the fourth category I wanted to post. As you've probably already figured out, it's Feelings.

Random Information of the Day: November is officially National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. After years of pestering from one of my best friends, Megan Lloyd, I finally decided to do it. The challenge of Nano is that one has to write a story (aka a series of coherent words that relate to each other) of 50,000 words. The hard part about it?-it has to all be written in the month of November. Yeah, I found out really quickly that is a lot harder than it sounds. Anyway, I'm pretty much writing this to say that you probably won't get a lot out of me this month just because of that, but maybe, just maybe, if I have enough free time, you'll be privileged enough to read some of my story-I'll post it on here (trust me, it's not as good as you think). Until then, so long. I'm now off to go accompany a soloist in my ever-decreasing amount of free time.

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