Monday, May 12, 2014

It Was MY Mom

So, I know this a little late, but this is important. Like, really important.

Happy Mother's Day, Mum. I love you so much, and words can't describe how deep that goes. In a world where it's really hard to know who really loves you and who doesn't, it means a lot to know that you do - and I have never doubted your love. You have put in countless hours doing pretty much every sort of thing for me, and even if I spent the rest of my life working, I don't think it would come even close to paying you back for everything you've done, do, and will do for me. And I can say that with absolute certainty, without seeming selfish, because I know that's who you are - you love us, and you will always show that love in the best ways you can.

Ha. I can't even claim my personal stuff. I know that, as hard as my problems are, you probably worry about them just as much as I do - and that's a pretty incredible feat when you've still got four other kids to do that for, and to still have as much love to dole out as you do...well, it's nothing short of incredible. I know that some of my "baggage", as we'll put it, it something that a very large amount of mothers don't have to deal with, and there are even fewer instructions for it than the 0% you already have for motherhood - but you've handled beautifully, and that is a large part of what makes your love that much more poignant.

So Mum, the best way that I can really think to pay you back is this - listening. Life is really hard sometimes, and I don't have the answers (not by a long shot), but I do know that I've been taught good principles, and regardless of where life takes me or what choices I make, I want you to know that I'm going to do what I can (even though I may fail) to be a son that you'll be proud of - one that makes you happy. I can promise you, I won't be perfect, but I'm going to do what I can.

I love you, Mum.

And because it wouldn't be me if I didn't include it, here's Kid President's Muthah's Day to ya, and another honorable mention for a Mother's Day video.