Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Want to Change the World?

I like April. It's a pretty cool month. It's the month that I really associate with spring (even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes in Utah), the month that one of my awesome brothers has his birthday, the month that National Pretzel Day is on, etc. But there's something about this month that I think is special, and it's because I'm making it special.

It's a goal of mine to make each month of the year meaningful for me in a special way that allows me to really get in touch with a deeper part of myself: something that really makes me who I am. So far, I've got August down and maybe February. This year, I've found something that I'd like to start doing every April. You're probably heard of it before. It's called Paying it Forward.

The last Thursday in April (in this year's case, on April 24th) is Pay it Forward Day, based on the book and the film of the same name. In honor of my first Pay it Forward Day, I bought the book and read it earlier this month. It's great. Essentially, the idea is that you choose three people that you care about, and do something special for them. Something that they couldn't necessarily do for themselves. Then, instead of paying you back, you encourage those you help to "pay it forward" to three other people in turn, and the cycle continues.

One of the first criticisms that easily comes to mind is that of selfishness - that people won't actually pay it forward. It's so easy to say something, but it's another entirely to do it. The argument is valid - but should that stop us from trying? So what if it doesn't work?

And what if it does?

Can you imagine a world where people have spent so much time "paying people forward" that it just becomes a habit to help people wherever we go? Who wouldn't want a world like that?

"But life is so busy," you say, "And how am I supposed to find the energy to help someone else when I barely have enough energy to work on my own issues?" That's a valid point, too. Life's been pretty stressful for me lately, trust me. But sometimes, giving that last little bit of energy to someone we care about it the perfect way to get twice the energy back. And I believe that it doesn't take someone who knows all the answers to make a difference - it just takes someone who cares.

Still not convinced? Watch this TED video about why it's actually in our own best interest to help those around us.

Need ideas? Here are some I pulled from the site:
- At a drive through, pay for the car behind's meal.
- If it's raining give your umbrella to someone who does not have one.
- Tell the manager of of a restaurant how great your waiter/waitress was (or tell the person directly!).
- Give a homeless person lunch (and a genuine conversation).
- Drive an older person in the neighborhood to the grocery store.
- Be a mentor for someone who needs some support.

What are some things you can think of doing for Pay it Forward Day? Post them in the comments below!

Paying it Forward doesn't have to be done just on one day. Ideally, it's something that can be done every day. And it doesn't necessarily have to be done to specifically three people. Maybe one's all you can handle right now. Maybe you want to do more. That's great! The point is, no matter how big or how small, you're making a difference. So, this month, I encourage you to Pay it Forward. And you'll be surprised how fast Paying it Forward brings it back to you.