Friday, March 14, 2014

A Not-So-Fan Letter

Dear Sara,

I understand this may be just another fan letter from your point of view, and that's cool. I mean, I would obviously be really excited if you saw and/or responded to this, but that's not why I am writing this. I doubt I'm your biggest fan. I don't own any of your albums. I've never been to one of your shows. I wasn't obsessed with you before you became "big". Until a while ago, I didn't even like you on Facebook (I know, right?!)! So I'ma speak on grounds I have the basis to be on.

Thank you - for you powerful music and your inspirational lyrics. There are a number of your songs that help me in just the right moments when I need them. More than that, even, thank you for who you are. Granted, this is only what I've seen from your videos and heard from your music - but I'd like to think that still shows the real you (music especially). That means a lot - to me and other fans as well, I'm sure. In a world where most of the media isn't real, and superficiality is the only thing we ever see, it's wonderful to see someone so beautifully genuine. I mean duh, you're gorgeous, but it's a gorgeous on the outside and inside. Sure, the critics can say the same thing, but they're there to talk about you professionally - we can see the difference between real singers and real people. And from what I've seen, Sara Bareilles, you are both. From a world that seems really fake and tells the world that's the only way to live, thanks for giving me permission to be real.

Thanks for teaching me to be brave. Sometimes life just plain sucks, and I'm hurt, and I pretend to be okay. I'm one of those people - the kind that shells up and paints a smile on. It's a good reminder that I've got to be brave and speak up about myself sometimes, even if it's hard. And maybe this letter is a step in that direction, learning to show "how big [my] brave is." (See how cool I'm getting? I even quoted you. Snap.)

Thanks most of all for being you. From your videos, I know you were worried about everything coming out right in this new album - in a way that was very you. At least from what I feel, you nailed it. :) But really. And it motivates me to be me. All the blessed unrest that is me - whether it's hardcore fangirling in the line at Wendy's when a song of yours comes on the radio, feeling at home playing the piano, crying on my bedroom floor for hours because I just can't handle life that day, making stupid faces every time my Dad takes a family picture, or just enjoying me and all my crazy friends. And letting myself be okay with that - because I'm being me.

Since you said it better, I'll let you read the quote you found:

Thank you, Sara Bareilles. Thank you for being beautifully real. Thank you for being so publicly brave. Thank you for being so unabashedly you. And thanks for helping me do the same, in my own little awkward way.

One of the satellites

P.S. I thought about asking you to change the locks on your house like you did to Rashida Jones, but I thought that might be a little creepy - so I decided not to. :)

To see the fan post my brother did about OK GO - click here. But just know, it's not as good as mine. ;)