Friday, December 30, 2011

On Music

My life (or this blog) would never be just without a post on how wonderful music is. There are many things in life that fulfill us, and one that is at the top of my list is music. There are also many things that are so good in life that words don't describe them-music is also at the top of my list there. Suffice it to say that I love music with every fiber of my being, and I can't imagine life without it. If only I could put down in words the feelings I feel through music. Don't worry, though-this post is only the beginning of a continuation. Once I can find the right words, it's totally coming on here.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


You know what are frustrating? Walls...especially that ones that people build up between relationships.

Do you know what's even harder? Walls that are built up on purpose-mutually-between a relationship. I guess in essence I'm just trying to deal with something that feels right and I feel like God wants me to do it-but my vision can't extend beyond today and how hard it is to have someone that once was a best friend seem so close and so far away at the same time. *Sigh*