Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change of Belief

I guess I'm really bored this summer or something, but Julia's teaching me colorguard. I think I've always had a little bit more respect for colorguard than most people (even band geeks) have for them, but after trying to do the things I've only watched them do before, I realize it's a lot harder than it looks. I've never had blisters on my hands before, only on my feet-until now. In the last week I've had three blisters magically appear on my hand after throwing all of those tosses. Anyway, I guess the message of this post is just kind of a "don't judge a book by it's cover" post. Just because the experienced people make things look easy doesn't mean they are. In fact, it's usually the opposite, they've just practiced forever.

And just for the record (and also for Eva), I can now throw a double on the flag, and kind of almost throw a double on rifle. I can do a lot on flag, just not parallels. I'm still afraid of them from the last time they attacked me.