Friday, February 20, 2009

Children's Eyes

I just watched "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown". I went into the theater in a...well, less than favorable mood, for reasons that will remain unnamed. Needless to say, as the play began, I was subconsciously thinking along the lines of "I dare you to make me enjoy this play." Hence, for around the first half hour, I had a very negative attitude towards the entire world...well, not the entire world, but everything around me at the time. However, there were some lines that hit me straight in the heart-namely a part in the musical when Lucy asks Linus "Give me one good reason why I should even stay on this planet!" after she finds out how crabby she is towards everyone, and Linus says "Because you have a little brother that loves you."

No worries, now I'm back to normal. I think I needed a "shock", for lack of a better word, to get me back to normal. I have been having...issues in my life that have been typical, but for personal reasons, which really aren't that good of reasons, I have been blowing these out of proportion. I needed this play to tell me that a child's life is the purest gift that we have. Simplicity and love are the main portions of this, and I formulated a quote that helped inspire me to try and live life more simply-more like a child. "Through the eyes of a child, life is made of joy, love, and magic-looks like we could all take a few lessons from them."

In closing, I hope that we can all try to live more childlike lives (note: childlike, not childish), and leave you with the last lines of the closing song in the musical. "Happiness is morning and evening, daytime and nighttime, too-for happiness is anything, and anywhere at all that's loved by you."